Tremont Village – Boston, MA
Type: Residential Renovation – Occupied Rehab of 20 apartments
Description of project: The renovation of Tremont Village included selective replacement of the HVAC system, installation of sprinkler system, replacement of FA-system, renovation of interiors (new kitchen, new flooring, painting), MAAB code upgrades, roof replacement (flat TPO-roof and pitched asphalt shingle roof), and selective exterior envelope work, like window replacement. The challenge with this project was the phasing of the single construction steps, like installing a new sprinkler system and replacing an active FA system, while the apartments were partially inhabited.
Link Davis Square Architects portfolio:
Location: Boston, MA, USA
Year of Design: 2013/2014
Year of Construction: 2014/2015
Job: Architectural Designer & Job Captain: Design Development, Construction Documents, Bidding Documents, Bidding Phase, Construction Administration, Consultant Coordination, Construction Meetings, Construction Site Visits
Company/Employer: Davis Square Architects, Inc